Introduction to Android
- Introduction to Android Programming
- Android OS , Architecture, Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM)
- Android Runtime (ART), Android SDK
- Android Development Tools (ADT)
Introduction to IDE
- Android Studio, Android Virtual Devices(AVD)
- Activity Life cycle, Style and Themes, Activity Title
- Logger, Dialog Windows, Progress Dialog
- Linking activities using intents
- Filter Collision, Intent Object and usage.
- Calling built-in application.
- Intent object, Intent filters
- Displaying notifications
- Custom Notification
- Life cycle, Adding fragments Dynamically
- Fragment Interaction
User Interface
- Views and ViewGroups, Layouts-Linear,Absolute,Table,Relative
- Scroll View , Display Orientation, Managing Screen Orientation
- Action Bar, Programmatically creating UI, Listening to UI Notifications
Basic Views
- TextView, Button, ImageButton, EditText, CheckBox.
- ToggleButton, RadioButton, RadioGroup, ProgressBar View.
- AutoCompleteTextView, AnalogClock
- DigitalClock,Web View
- Picker View-TimePicker and DatePicker.
- ListView and Spinner View.
- Specialized Fragments.
Image Views
- Gallery and ImageView
- ImageSwitcher, GridView
- Helper methods.
- Options Menu.
- Context Menu.
- Pop-up Menu
Persisting Data
- Saving, Editing and Loading Preferences.
- Saving data to files.
- Creating and Using Databases(SQLite)
Content Providers
- Data sharing, Using a content provider, Creating content provider
- SMS Messaging
- Sending Email
Locaion Based Services
- Displaying Maps, Location data, Monitoring Location
- Consuming Web Service via HTTP
- Consuming JSON Services
- Socket programming
Android Service Development
- Creating service
- Services communication
- Timer
- AsyncTask, Binder, IBinder
- Activity and Service binding
- Understanding Threading
Hardware Access
- Accelerometer, Proximity, Other Sensors
- Bluetooth
- Setting up Bluetooth.
- Scanning Devices
- Connecting Devices
Phone Status
- TelephonyManager
- PhoneStateListener
Widgets Development
ViewPager, User Define Widgets
Text-to-Speech API, MediaPlayer, Camera
Sensor-Batching (Step Detector & Step Counter)
Deploye App in Google PlayStore
- Publishing Android Application
- Preparing application for publishing.
- Deploying APK Files.